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Alexa policy EN

About this policy

This privacy policy describes how I.S.I. S.r.l protects your (“you”, “the user”) privacy and your data. Before using any of our Alexa Skills (“our skills”), please read this policy and our Alexa Skills Terms of Use, as well as the Alexa Terms of Use and the Privacy Policies by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”).

Regarding Amazon, “Alexa” means their Alexa Voice Service which includes third party services (like our skills) and other related Software.

If you use one of our skills you fully agree to this privacy policy.


When you use our skills you have to talk to Alexa. This voice input is sent to Amazon and us, we use it to understand what our skill should do for you. This is absolutely necessary for our service to give you an appropriate answer and an adequate functionality.

Data Collection, Use, and Sharing

We are the sole owners of the information collected by this skill.

We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via the use of this skill or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

We use your vocal input to respond to you and to execute commands regarding the reason you contacted us. We do not share your informations with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.

To improve our services we analyze automatically how often utterances are spoken and other analytics. This is done automatically by Amazon in the Amazon Developer Portal.

For some of our skills you need to save your data and your account information in our databases.

These data in particular are:

  • Your email provided during subscribe
  • Your Amazon Alexa user ID
  • Your account name.

We do not recover other personal informations through our Alexa skill.



We take precautions to protect your informations. When you submit sensitive informations via the Alexa service, your informations is protected both online and offline.

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your informations offline. Only employees who need the informations to perform a specific job (for example technical service) are granted access to personally identifiable informations. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable informatiosn are kept in a secure environment.



Our skills or parts of them may change or be updated at any time. Further, this Privacy Policy might change. You can find a link to this policy on the description page of the skill in the Alexa App or in the Alexa Store. Your continued use of our skills after changes of the Privacy Policy or the skill itself will be seen as your acceptance of both.


Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

  • By email: info@stshome.it