+ 39 0523 591992 info@stshome.it
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Terms of use EN


This Terms of Use are an agreement between the user (“you”) and I.S.I. S.r.l. (“us” or “we”) owner of the “STSHome” skill or other skills for Amazon Alexa.

Before using any of our Alexa Skills (“our skills”), please read this agreement and our Alexa Skills Privacy Policy as well as the Alexa Terms of Use by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”).

Regarding Amazon, “Alexa” means their Alexa Voice Service which includes third party services (like our skills) and other related Software. If you use one of our skills you fully agree to these Terms of Use.


Our skills or parts of them may be discontinued and/or suspended at any time or might contain errors. Our skills are intented for personal use. Our skills also rely on services provided by “Amazon” and these services can be suspended, interrupted and / or discontinued at any time without our will. You use our skills on your own responsibility. Any information should not be seen as an advice.


Our skills or parts of them may change or be updated at any time. Further, our Terms of Use might change.

You can find a link to this agreement on the description page of the skill in the Alexa App or in the Alexa Store. Your continued use of our skill after changes of the Terms of Use or the skill itself will be seen as your acceptance of both.


For you

Our goal is the satisfaction of our customers.

We love to make things better for you by developing, upgrading and improving our products and services.

Please contact us for any opinion and / or modification request

  • By email: info@stshome.it